The Local Organizing Committee (LOC), together with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the leadership of the volunteer sub-committee has reached a consensus to pay an allowance to the volunteers of the 13th African games.

In a press release signed by the executive chairman of the LOC, Dr. Kwaku Ofosu-Asare, it has been agreed that an amount of one thousand Ghana cedis (1,000 cedis) will be paid to each volunteer. In addition, a separate amount of two hundred Ghana cedis (200 cedis) will also be paid to the volunteers for travel and transport (T&T) purposes.

A portion of the press release reads: “After a meeting between the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) for the 13th African Games, Accra 2023, and the leadership of the volunteer sub-committee, it was decided that the African Games volunteers be paid an allowance of One Thousand Ghana Cedis(GHc1,000.00) and an additional Travel and Transport(T&T) fare of Two Hundred Ghana Cedis (GHc200.00)”.

Volunteers who have already received their two hundred Ghana cedis (200 cedis) travel and transport (t&t) will not receive the additional ‘T&T’ from the LOC.

Here is a copy of the press release: