Pilgrims have long been drawn to visit the site of Jesus’ first miracle which took place in the Galilee village in Cana- now called Kefar Kana just outside Nazareth, Israel

Jesus, his mother and the disciples attended a wedding, but the wine was all gone before the celebrations concluded as recorded in the gospel of John 2:1-11.

However, to the amazement of both host and guests, Jesus made water turn into wine at the behest of Mother Mary and undoubtedly, helped strengthen the faith of His disciples and people at the gathering.

The church has since been dedicated to weddings of christianity where a group of young and elderly couples renew their vows whenever they visit.

Takeaway: At the time of your honor, may you never be disgraced. For a second, imagine Jesus’ absence at the Wedding Church or saying NO to His mother’s request.M- have the couple in mind.

The preacher makes it clear in Ecclesiastes 9:10 “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going”. Today, do it!