The Palestinian children have made a heartfelt plea to the global community and governments dedicated to human and children’s rights, urging them to intervene and halt the oppressive tactics employed by the occupying forces against Palestinians.

This call to action was articulated in a statement released by Palestinian children on the occasion of Palestinian Children’s Day and the International Day of Solidarity with the Children of Palestine, observed in Accra, Ghana on Saturday, April 6, 2024.

In their statement, the children expressed deep concern over the use of military force against them in Gaza and the West Bank, regions where over 14,000 children have lost their lives and thousands more have been injured.

The statement highlights how the Israeli occupation flagrantly disregards international conventions, moral principles, and humanitarian laws concerning the safeguarding of civilians, especially children, during conflicts and wars.

The Palestinian children urgently appeal to the international community and its various institutions to intervene and put an end to the war inflicted by the occupation forces on Palestinians. They seek a return to normalcy, including the resumption of schooling, and an end to policies of starvation, blockades on essential medical supplies, relief materials, and fuel.

Additionally, they call for international protection for children, the enforcement of conventions and laws safeguarding civilians and children during wartime, and the cessation of the occupation of Palestinian territory, in alignment with United Nations resolutions.

Source: Deborah Dzivenu/ AGN